In the lecture entitled Maximum likelihood - Algorithm we have explained how to compute the maximum likelihood estimator of a parameter by numerical methods. In this lecture we provide a fully worked out example that illustrates how to do so with MATLAB.
In what follows, I will assume that you have access to a MATLAB installation comprising both the Statistics and the Optimization toolboxes (an installation of Octave - a free software that is very similar to MATLAB - should provide the same functionality).
We have a sample of 100 independent draws from a
standard Student's t distribution with
degrees of freedom. The parameter
is unknown and we want to estimate it by maximum likelihood.
The data (the 100 observations) are stored in the MATLAB file data.mat, which you need to download.
Note that the parameter
must be strictly positive, that is, it must belong to the interval
Therefore, the optimization problem we need to solve in order to estimate
is a constrained optimization problem. As explained in the lecture
Maximum likelihood -
Algorithm, it is preferable to avoid constrained problems when possible.
In this case, it is possible because
can be easily reparametrized
is our new parameter and there are no constraints on it, because it can take
any value in the interval
The likelihood function is coded as a routine that takes as inputs a value for the parameter and the data, and returns as output the value of the log-likelihood with its sign changed. The code is as follows.
function val=log_lik(theta,data) n=exp(theta); val=-sum(log(tpdf(data,n)));
The name of the function is log_lik
. It takes as
arguments the parameter theta
and the vector of
observations data
The function tpdf
(which is part of the Statistics
toolbox) computes the probability density function of a Standard Student's t
distribution. In particular, tpdf(data,n)
returns a
vector of densities (one density for each observation in the vector
), under the hypothesis that the number of degrees
of freedom is equal to n
. By taking the natural
logarithm with the log
function and summing over all
entries of the vector, we obtain the log-likelihood of the sample. In other
words, with the command sum(log(tpdf(data,df)))
compute the
is an observation (a component of the vector
is the sample size (the dimension of the vector
is the probability
density function of
given that the parameter is equal to
Finally, we change the sign of the log-likelihood, by putting a minus in front
of it, because the optimization routine we are going to use performs
minimization by default, and we instead want to maximize the log-likelihood
function. The value thus obtained is stored in the variable
, which is returned by the function.
The code presented in this subsection runs the optimization algorithm, in order to find numerically the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameter.
load data options=optimset('Display','off','MaxIter',10000,'TolX',10^-30,'TolFun',10^-30); theta0=1; [theta,fval,exitflag,output,grad,hessian]=fminunc('log_lik',theta0,options,data); exp(theta)
We first load the data file with the command load
We then set some options of the optimization algorithm. The option
is set to off
, which
means that the optimization algorithm will run silently, without showing the
output of each iteration. The option MaxIter
is set to
, which means that the algorithm will perform a
maximum of 10,000 iterations. The option TolX
is set
to 10^-30
, which means that the termination tolerance
on the parameter will be
Also the option
is set to
, which means that the termination tolerance on
the value of the function to be optimized will be
The starting value for the parameter (our initial guess) is set equal to 1
with the command theta0=1
Finally, the MATLAB derivative-based optimization algorithm
is called. It takes as arguments:
the name of the function to be optimized (log_lik
the initial value of the parameter (theta0
the options that were previously set (options
any other arguments besides the parameter that need to be passed to the
function to be optimized (in our case the vector
The function returns as outputs:
the estimated solution of the minimization problem
the value of the likelihood-function corresponding to the estimated solution
a number that tells which termination criterion was met when the algorithm
stopped (exitflag
some information about what happened during the optimization process,
including the number of iterations that were performed and a verbal
description of how the algorithm reached the estimated solution
the value of the gradient at theta
, that is, the
vector of first derivatives of the log-likelihood function, evaluated
numerically at the estimated solution (grad
the value of the Hessian at theta
, that is, the matrix
of second derivatives of the log-likelihood function, evaluated numerically at
the estimated solution (hessian
The last line of code (exp(theta)
) displays the
estimate of the parameter
which is equal
is the maximum likelihood estimate of
(stored in the variable
). If the code is
correctly executed, the displayed value should be 3.9389, which is our point
estimate of the parameter of interest. This corresponds to an estimate of
1.3709 for
You can also display the value of the gradient (by typing
). A number that is numerically close to zero
should be displayed, which means that the first order condition for an optimum
(i.e., first derivative equals zero) is approximately satisfied.
We do not know whether the properties of the fminunc
algorithm, together with the properties of our likelihood function, guarantee
numerical convergence to the true solution of the problem. As we have
previously explained, when there is no theoretical guarantee that numerical
convergence can be achieved, a multiple starts approach is
usually followed: the numerical optimization algorithm is run several times,
with random starting values for the parameter, and if all runs of the
algorithm (or a majority of them) lead to the same proposed solution, then
this is taken as evidence that the proposed solution is a good approximation
of the true solution.
The following code is a multiple starts variant of the code explained above.
load data stream=RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',1); RandStream.setDefaultStream(stream); options=optimset('Display','off','MaxIter',10000,'TolX',10^-30,'TolFun',10^-30); for j=1:10 theta0=1+10*randn(1,1); [theta(j),fval(j),exitflag(j),output(j),grad(j),hessian(j)]=... fminunc('log_lik',theta0,options,data); end theta
The two commands involving RandStream
initialize the
random number generator. You should not worry about these two commands. They
are there just to ensure that, if you run this code on your computer, you will
get exactly the same results I get.
The optimization is repeated ten times, and each time the starting value
is generated randomly. In particular, we add to
our initial guess (theta0=1
) a random number extracted
from a standard normal distribution
), multiplied by 10.
The outputs are stored in vectors, whose entries are indexed by the variable
. In particular, the ten proposed solutions are
stored in the vector theta
, and the ten values of the
log-likelihood function corresponding to these solutions are stored in the
vector val
If, after running the script, you print the proposed solutions by typing
, you will see that they are all equal to the one
we had found previously (1.3709), except for one - the second - which is equal
to 12.8117. Thus, we have encountered some trouble. This confirms our
suspicion that it was not a wise idea to be satisfied with only one run of the
By printing the vectors val
, we can easily see that 12.8117 cannot be a
solution, because it corresponds to a value of the objective function that is
higher than the value corresponding to 1.3709, and because the gradient is not
equal to zero.
If we run the algorithm many more times (e.g., increase the number of
repetitions to 1000 in the for
cycle), we will see
that also other solutions are proposed, but they are not really solutions,
because of the same reasons (i.e., non-zero derivative, higher value of the
objective function).
Thus, we can take the result of the multiple starts algorithm as evidence that 1.3709 is a sound solution. At the same time, this reminds us of the fact that it is really a bad idea to run an optimization algorithm only once if we are not sure of its convergence properties.
To produce an estimate of the variance of
we can use one of the methods introduced in the lecture
likelihood - Covariance matrix estimation. In particular, since
provides a numerical estimate of the Hessian
matrix, we can use a method based on this estimate.
Remember that the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator
can be approximated by a multivariate normal distribution with mean equal to
the true parameter
and covariance matrix equal to
an estimate of the asymptotic covariance matrix and
denotes the matrix of second derivatives. In other words, the estimate of the
variance of
In our case there is only one parameter, so the matrix is actually a scalar
and we can
value stored by
in the variable
is the second derivative of
, which is (see
linearity, this is the same
all we need to do in order to obtain an estimate of the variance of
is to compute the reciprocal of
, with the
command hessian^-1
(if you do this after running the
multiple starts algorithm, take only one entry of the vector
, corresponding to the estimate 1.3709). If
everything was done correctly, the estimate should be equal to 0.0970. This
can be translated into an estimate of the variance of
with the Delta method, by multiplying the
estimated variance of
As a result, we obtain that the estimated variance of
is 1.5046.
All the MATLAB codes presented in this lecture are stored in a zipped file, which you can download.
Please cite as:
Taboga, Marco (2021). "Maximum likelihood - MATLAB Example", Lectures on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Kindle Direct Publishing. Online appendix.
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