Bayesian inference is a way of making statistical inferences in which the statistician assigns subjective probabilities to the distributions that could generate the data. These subjective probabilities form the so-called prior distribution.
After the data is observed, Bayes' rule is used to update the prior, that is, to revise the probabilities assigned to the possible data generating distributions. These revised probabilities form the so-called posterior distribution.
This lecture provides an introduction to Bayesian inference and discusses a simple example of inference about the mean of a normal distribution.
Table of contents
Remember the main elements of a statistical inference problem:
we observe some data (a sample), that we collect in a vector
we regard
as the realization
of a random vector
we do not know the probability distribution of
(i.e., the distribution that generated our sample);
we define a statistical model, that is, a set
of probability distributions that could have generated the data;
optionally, we parametrize the model, that is, we put the elements of
in correspondence with a set of real vectors called parameters;
we use the sample and the statistical model to make a statement (an inference) about the unknown data generating distribution (or about the parameter that corresponds to it).
In Bayesian inference, we assign a subjective distribution to the elements of
and then we use the data to derive a posterior distribution.
In parametric Bayesian inference, the subjective distribution is assigned to
the parameters that are put into
correspondence with the elements of
The first building block of a parametric Bayesian model is the
The likelihood is equal to the
probability density of
when the parameter of the data generating distribution is equal to
For the time being, we assume that
are continuous.
Later, we will discuss how to relax this assumption.
Suppose that the sample
a vector of
independent and identically distributed
from a normal
The mean
of the distribution is unknown, while its variance
is known. These are the two parameters of the model.
The probability density function of a generic draw
we use the notation
to highlight the fact that
is unknown and the density of
depends on this unknown parameter.
Because the observations
we can write the likelihood as
The second building block of a Bayesian model is the
The prior is the subjective probability density assigned to the parameter
Let us continue the previous example.
The statistician believes that the parameter
is most likely equal to
and that values of
very far from
are quite unlikely.
She expresses this belief about the parameter
by assigning to it a normal distribution with mean
and variance
So, the prior
After specifying the prior and the likelihood, we can derive the
density of
in step
we perform the so-called marginalization (see the lecture on
random vectors); in
we use the fact that a
joint density can
be written as the product of a conditional and a marginal density (see the
lecture on
probability distributions).
a shorthand for the multiple
is the dimension of the parameter vector
The marginal density of
derived in the manner above, is called the prior predictive
distribution. Roughly speaking, it is the probability distribution
that we assign to the data
before observing it.
Given the prior and the posterior specified in the previous two examples,
can be proved that the prior predictive distribution is
is an
vector of ones, and
is the
identity matrix.
Hence, the prior predictive distribution of
normal with mean
and covariance
Thus, under the prior predictive distribution, a draw
has mean
and covariance with the other draws equal to
The covariance is induced by the fact that the mean parameter
which is stochastic, is the same for all draws.
After observing the data
we use Bayes' rule to update the prior about the parameter
The conditional density
is called posterior distribution of the parameter.
By using the formula for the marginal density
derived above, we
Thus, the posterior depends on the two distributions specified by the
statistician, the prior
and the likelihood
In the normal model of the previous examples,
can be proved that the posterior
Thus, the posterior distribution of
is normal with mean
and variance
The posterior mean
is a weighted average of:
the mean of the observed data
the prior mean
The weights are inversely proportional to the variances of the two means:
if the prior variance
is high, then the prior mean
receives little weight;
by the same token, if the variance of the sample mean (which is equal to
is high, then the sample mean receives little weight and more weight is
assigned to the prior.
Both the sample mean and the prior mean provide information about
They are combined together, but more weight is given to the signal that has
higher precision (smaller variance).
When the sample size
becomes very large (goes to infinity), then all the weight is given to the
information coming from the sample (the sample mean) and no weight is given to
the prior. This is typical of Bayesian inference.
Suppose that a new data sample
is extracted after we have observed
and we have computed the posterior distribution of the
Assume that the distribution of
depends on
but is independent of
conditional on
Then the distribution of
The distribution of
derived in the manner above, is called the posterior predictive
In the normal model of the previous examples, the prior is updated with
Consider a new draw
from the same normal distribution.
can be proved that the posterior predictive distribution of
is a normal distribution with mean
(the posterior mean of
and variance
, where
is the posterior variance of
Up to know we have assumed that
are continuous. When they are discrete, there are no substantial changes, but
probability density functions are replaced with
probability mass functions
and integrals are replaced with summations.
For example, if
is discrete and
is continuous:
the marginal density of
is the probability mass function of
and the summation is over all possible values of
the formula for the posterior probability mass function of
is the same as in the continuous
We now take a moment to explain some simple algebra that is extremely important in Bayesian inference.
Given a posterior
can take any function of the data
that does not depend on
and we can use it to build another
Since the data
is considered a constant after being observed, we
is proportional to
The posterior can be recovered from
in step
we use the fact that
does not depend on
and, as a consequence, it can be brought out of the integral; in step
we use the fact that the integral of a density (over the whole support) is
equal to
In summary, when we multiply the posterior by a function that does not depend
(but may depend on
we obtain a function
proportional to the posterior.
If we divide the new function
by its integral, then we recover the posterior.
In the posterior
not depend on
is "integrated out").
Thus, by using the notation introduced in the previous section, we can
is, the posterior
is proportional to the prior
times the likelihood
are known because they are specified by the statistician.
Thus, the posterior (which we want to compute) is proportional to the product of two known quantities.
This proportionality to two known quantities is extremely important in Bayesian inference: various methods allow us to exploit it in order to compute the posterior when (2) cannot be calculated and hence (1) cannot be worked out directly.
Often, we are not able to apply Bayes' rule
we cannot derive the marginal distribution
However, we are sometimes able to write the joint
is a function that depends only on
is a probability density (or mass) function of
(for any fixed
If we can work out this factorization,
See the lecture on the factorization of probability density functions for a proof of this fact.
There are several Bayesian models that allow us to compute the posterior distribution of the parameters analytically. However, this is often not possible.
When an analytical solution is not available, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are commonly employed to derive the posterior distribution numerically.
MCMC methods are Monte Carlo
methods that allow us to generate large samples of correlated draws from
the posterior distribution of the parameter vector by simply using the
The empirical distribution of the generated sample can then be used to produce plug-in estimates of the quantities of interest.
See the lecture on MCMC methods for more details.
After updating the prior, we can use the posterior distribution of
to make statements about the parameter
or about quantities that depend on
The quantities about which we make a statement are often called quantities of interest (e.g., Bernardo and Smith 2009) or objects of interest (e.g., Geweke 2005).
The Bayesian approach provides us with a posterior probability distribution of the quantity of interest. We are free to summarize that distribution in any way that we deem convenient.
For example, we can:
plot the probability density (or mass) of the quantity of interest;
report the mean of the distribution (as our best guess of the true value of the quantity of interest) and its standard deviation (as a measure of dispersion of our posterior beliefs);
report the probability that the quantity of interest (say, a parameter) is equal (or very close) to a certain value which had previously been hypothesized (similarly to what is done in hypothesis testing).
Now that you know about the basics of Bayesian inference, you can study two applications in the following lectures:
Bayesian inference about the parameters of a normal distribution, where we prove all the formulae shown in the examples above;
Bayesian inference about the parameters of a linear regression model.
Bernardo, J. M., and Smith, A. F. M. (2009) Bayesian Theory, Wiley.
Geweke, J. (2005) Contemporary Bayesian Econometrics and Statistics, Wiley.
Please cite as:
Taboga, Marco (2021). "Bayesian inference", Lectures on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Kindle Direct Publishing. Online appendix.
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