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Power function

by , PhD

In statistics, the power function is a function that links the true value of a parameter to the probability of rejecting a null hypothesis about the value of that parameter.

Table of Contents


Here is a more formal definition.

Definition In a test of hypothesis about a parameter $	heta $, let the null hypothesis be[eq1]The power function [eq2] is a function that gives, for any $	heta $, the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when the true parameter is equal to $	heta $.

Note that the power function depends on the null hypothesis: if we change $	heta _{0}$, also the power function changes.


Suppose that we are testing the null hypothesis that the true parameter is equal to zero: [eq3]

Suppose that the value of the power function at $	heta =1$ is [eq4]

What does this mean? It means that if the true parameter is equal to 1, then there is a 50% probability that the test will reject the (false) null hypothesis that the parameter is equal to 0.


The parameter $	heta $ is often called alternative hypothesis and [eq5] is called power against the alternative $	heta $.

Power and size

The size of a test is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.

Therefore, when[eq6]the power function evaluated at $	heta _{0}$ gives the size $lpha $ of the test:[eq7]

Graph of the power function

We plot below the graph of a typical power function.

Graph of the power function of a z-test for the mean of a normal distribution.

It plots the probability of rejecting an alternative $	heta $ in a z-test for the mean of a normal distribution, in which:

Note that the minimum of the graph corresponds to the null and it is equal to the size of the test.

The power function, known in closed form, is[eq8]where F is the cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution, $z=1.96$ is the critical value corresponding to a 5% size, and $n=100$ is the number of draws.

How to derive the power function

For examples of how to derive the power function, see the lectures:

Dependence on sample size

Usually, the power of a test is an increasing function of sample size: the more observations we have, the more powerful the test.

More details

You can find a more exhaustive explanation of the concept of power function in the lecture entitled Hypothesis testing.

Some related concepts are found in the following glossary entries:

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Previous entry: Posterior probability

Next entry: Precision matrix

How to cite

Please cite as:

Taboga, Marco (2021). "Power function", Lectures on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Kindle Direct Publishing. Online appendix.

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