We have already studied how gradient boosting and decision trees work, and how they are combined to produce extremely powerful predictive models, called boosted trees. However, until now we have applied boosting and decision trees only to regression problems.
Here we apply these techniques to a classification problem and we show that a boosted classifier built with the LightGBM algorithm significantly outperforms other classifiers.
We use the same artificially-generated data set used in a previous notebook, but the output is transformed to categorical (1 if the continuous output from the previously used data set is above its sample median, 0 otherwise):
there are 300 correlated variables in the input vector
the output
is a function of only 10 of them;
the 10 relevant inputs have:
linear effects;
non-linear effects (square, log, cos);
interaction effects (products);
threshold effects (some are relevant only if others are above threshold);
there are 500 observations in the data set.
In our Python examples, we will show the performance of different classifiers:
a plain vanilla logit model;
a gradient-boosted logit in which the base learners are uni-variate linear regressions;
a gradient-boosted logit in which the base learners are decision trees (built with LightGBM).
We start with a plain-vanilla logistic classification model.
Our prediction of
where the input
is a row vector, the parameter
is a vector of regression coefficients, and
is the logistic function.
The loss function we use is the log-loss:
which can be minimized numerically using standard algorithms implemented in
most statistical software packages.
We first import the data and split it into training, validation and test.
# Import the packages used to load and manipulate the data
import numpy as np # Numpy is a Matlab-like package for array manipulation and linear algebra
import pandas as pd # Pandas is a data-analysis and table-manipulation tool
import urllib.request # Urlib will be used to download the dataset
# Import the function that performs sample splits from scikit-learn
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# Load the output variable with pandas (download with urllib if not downloaded previously)
remoteAddress = 'https://www.statlect.com/ml-assets/y_artificial.csv'
localAddress = './y_artificial.csv'
y = pd.read_csv(localAddress, header=None)
urllib.request.urlretrieve(remoteAddress, localAddress)
y = pd.read_csv(localAddress, header=None)
y = y.values # Transform y into a numpy array
y = (y > np.median(y)) # Transform the output to categorical
# Print some information about the output variable
print('Class and dimension of output variable:')
# Load the input variables with pandas
remoteAddress = 'https://www.statlect.com/ml-assets/x_artificial.csv'
localAddress = './x_artificial.csv'
x = pd.read_csv(localAddress, header=None)
urllib.request.urlretrieve(remoteAddress, localAddress)
x = pd.read_csv(localAddress, header=None)
x = x.values
# Print some information about the input variables
print('Class and dimension of input variables:')
# Create the training sample
x_train, x_val_test, y_train, y_val_test
= train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.4, random_state=0)
# Split the remaining observations into validation and test
x_val, x_test, y_val, y_test
= train_test_split(x_val_test, y_val_test, test_size=0.5, random_state=0)
# Print the numerosities of the three samples
print('Numerosities of training, validation and test samples:')
print(x_train.shape[0], x_val.shape[0], x_test.shape[0])
The output is:
Class and dimension of output variable:
class 'numpy.ndarray'
(500, 1)
Class and dimension of input variables:
class 'numpy.ndarray'
(500, 300)
Numerosities of training, validation and test samples:
300 100 100
We use scikit-learn's LogisticRegression function to train our logit model.
Note that the predict method outputs a True value if the predicted probability is above 0.5 and a False value otherwise. The accuracy_score is the percentage of predictions that coincide with the actual value.
Also note that the validation set is never used in the training of the logit model. Therefore, we can use it as a second test set.
# Import packages and functions from scikit-learn
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss, accuracy_score
# Create logit object
logit = linear_model.LogisticRegression(fit_intercept=True, max_iter=1000, penalty='none')
# Train the model using the training set
logit.fit(x_train, y_train)
# Make predictions on the training and validation sets
y_train_pred = logit.predict(x_train)
y_val_pred = logit.predict(x_val)
y_test_pred = logit.predict(x_test)
# Print empirical risk on all sets
print('Log-loss on training set:')
print(log_loss(y_train, y_train_pred))
print('Log-loss on validation set:')
print(log_loss(y_val, y_val_pred))
print('Log-loss on test set:')
print(log_loss(y_test, y_test_pred))
# Print accuracy on all sets
print('Accuracy on training set:')
print(accuracy_score(y_train, y_train_pred))
print('Accuracy on validation set:')
print(accuracy_score(y_val, y_val_pred))
print('Accuracy on test set:')
print(accuracy_score(y_test, y_test_pred))
The output is:
Log-loss on training set:
Log-loss on validation set:
Log-loss on test set:
Accuracy on training set:
Accuracy on validation set:
Accuracy on test set:
Overfitting is so severe that the logit is able to make perfect predictions on the training set, but forecasts on the test are not more accurate than those made by flipping a coin.
We now train a gradient-boosted logit in which the base learners are uni-variate linear regressions.
As before, our prediction of
the input
is a row vector, the parameter
is a column vector of regression coefficients, and
the logistic function.
The vector of regression coefficients
will be set iteratively, by gradient boosting.
The loss function we use is the log-loss:
We start from
at each iteration
we perform the following steps:
we compute the pseudo-residuals from the previous iteration:
we find the input variable that has the highest correlation (in absolute value) with the pseudo-residuals (on the training sample);
we estimate by
ordinary least
squares (on the training sample) the coefficient
of the uni-variate regression of the residuals on the chosen variable (suppose
it is the
we set
is the learning rate (usually
a learning rate less than 1 is used so as to have a gradual increase in
complexity and overfitting; all the other entries of
are left unchanged;
we compute the empirical risk (average log-loss) of the predictions
the validation sample;
if the empirical risk on the validation sample has not been decreasing for a pre-set number of iterations, we stop the algorithm.
The boosted logit, that we use to make predictions, is the most complex one, produced in the last iteration of the algorithm.
The Python code is obtained by slightly modifying the code previously used for boosted linear regressions. The changes are marked by comments to the code.
# Import package used to make copies of objects
from copy import deepcopy
# Our boosted logit (blogit) class will implement 3 methods
# (constructor, fit, and predict), as previously seen in scikit-learn
class blogit:
def __init__(self, learning_rate, max_iter, early_stopping):
self.lr = learning_rate
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.early = early_stopping
self.x_mean = 0
self.x_std = 1
self.theta = 0
self.mses = []
def fit(self, x_train_0, y_train_0, x_val_0, y_val_0):
# Make copies of data to avoid over-writing original dataset
x_train = deepcopy(x_train_0)
y_train = deepcopy(y_train_0)
x_val = deepcopy(x_val_0)
y_val = deepcopy(y_val_0)
# De-mean the input variables
self.x_mean = np.mean(x_train, axis=0, keepdims=True)
x_train -= self.x_mean
x_val -= self.x_mean
# Standardize the input variables
self.x_std = np.std(x_train, axis=0, keepdims=True)
x_train /= self.x_std
x_val /= self.x_std
# Initialize counters (total boosting iterations and unproductive iterations)
current_iter = 0
no_improvement = 0
# The starting model has all coefficients equal to zero and predicts that the two classes are equally likely
self.theta = np.zeros((x_train.shape[1], 1))
y_train_scores = 0 * y_train # Inputs to logistic function
y_train_pred = 0.001 + 0.998 / (1 + np.exp(- y_train_scores)) # Logistic transformation
y_val_scores = 0 * y_val # Inputs to logistic function
y_val_pred = 0.001 + 0.998 / (1 + np.exp(- y_val_scores)) # Logistic transformation
eta = y_train - y_train_pred # Pseudo-residuals
log_losses = [np.mean(- y_val * np.log(y_val_pred) - (1 - y_val) * np.log(1 - y_val_pred))] # Log-loss
# Boosting iterations
while no_improvement < self.early and current_iter < self.max_iter:
current_iter += 1
corr_coeffs = np.mean(x_train * eta, axis=0)
index_best = np.argmax(np.abs(corr_coeffs))
self.theta[index_best] += self.lr * corr_coeffs[index_best]
y_train_scores += self.lr * corr_coeffs[index_best] * x_train[:, [index_best]] # Inputs to logistic function
y_train_pred = 0.001 + 0.998 / (1 + np.exp(- y_train_scores)) # Logistic transformation
eta = y_train - y_train_pred # Pseudo-residuals
y_val_scores += self.lr * corr_coeffs[index_best] * x_val[:, [index_best]] # Inputs to logistic function
y_val_pred = 0.001 + 0.998 / (1 + np.exp(- y_val_scores)) # Logistic transformation
log_losses.append(np.mean(- y_val * np.log(y_val_pred) - (1 - y_val) * np.log(1 - y_val_pred))) # Log-loss
if log_losses[-1] > np.min(log_losses[0:-1]):
no_improvement += 1
no_improvement = 0
# Final output message
print('Boosting stopped after ' + str(current_iter) + ' iterations')
def predict(self, x_test_0):
# Make copies of the data to avoid over-writing original dataset
x_test = deepcopy(x_test_0)
# De-mean input variables using means on training sample
x_test = x_test - self.x_mean
# Standardize output variables using standard deviations on training sample
x_test = x_test / self.x_std
# Return prediction
y_test_scores = np.dot(x_test,self.theta)
return 0.001 + 0.998 / (1 + np.exp(- y_test_scores))
# Create a boosted logit object
bl = blogit(0.1, 10000, 20)
# Train the model
bl.fit(x_train, y_train.astype('float64'), x_val, y_val.astype('float64'))
# Make predictions on the train, validation and test sets
y_train_pred = bl.predict(x_train)
y_val_pred = bl.predict(x_val)
y_test_pred = bl.predict(x_test)
# Print empirical risk on all sets
print('Log-loss on training set:')
print(log_loss(y_train, y_train_pred))
print('Log-loss on validation set:')
print(log_loss(y_val, y_val_pred))
print('Log-loss on test set:')
print(log_loss(y_test, y_test_pred))
# Print Accuracy on all sets
print('Accuracy on training set:')
print(accuracy_score(y_train, y_train_pred > 0.5))
print('Accuracy on validation set:')
print(accuracy_score(y_val, y_val_pred > 0.5))
print('Accuracy on test set:')
print(accuracy_score(y_test, y_test_pred > 0.5))
The output is:
Boosting stopped after 20 iterations
Log-loss on training set:
Log-loss on validation set:
Log-loss on test set:
Accuracy on training set:
Accuracy on validation set:
Accuracy on test set:
The performance of the model is not good. It is similar to that of a plain-vanilla logit. The reason is that the relationship between inputs and output is highly nonlinear and this model is essentially linear.
We now train a gradient-boosted logit in which the base learners are boosted decision trees (built with LightGBM).
Everything is as in the previous boosted logit (with linear base learners), except for the fact that we now use decision trees as base learners:
is a decision tree.
#Import the lightGBM package
import lightgbm as lgb
# Prepare dataset in LightGMB format
y_train = np.squeeze(y_train)
y_val = np.squeeze(y_val)
y_test = np.squeeze(y_test)
train_set = lgb.Dataset(x_train, y_train, silent=True)
valid_set = lgb.Dataset(x_val, y_val, silent=True)
# Set some algorithm parameters
params = {
'objective': 'binary',
'learning_rate': 0.1,
'metric': 'binary_logloss',
'nthread': 8,
'min_data_in_leaf': 10,
'max_depth': 2,
# Train the model
boosted_tree = lgb.train(
params = params,
train_set = train_set,
valid_sets = valid_set,
num_boost_round = 10000,
early_stopping_rounds = 20,
verbose_eval = -1,
# Make predictions on the train, validation and test sets
y_train_pred = boosted_tree.predict(x_train)
y_val_pred = boosted_tree.predict(x_val)
y_test_pred = boosted_tree.predict(x_test)
# Print empirical risk on all sets
print('Log-loss on training set:')
print(log_loss(y_train, y_train_pred))
print('Log-loss on validation set:')
print(log_loss(y_val, y_val_pred))
print('Log-loss on test set:')
print(log_loss(y_test, y_test_pred))
# Print Accuracy on all sets
print('Accuracy on training set:')
print(accuracy_score(y_train, np.round(y_train_pred)))
print('Accuracy on validation set:')
print(accuracy_score(y_val, np.round(y_val_pred)))
print('Accuracy on test set:')
print(accuracy_score(y_test, np.round(y_test_pred)))
The output is:
Training until validation scores don't improve for 20 rounds
Early stopping, best iteration is:
[109] valid_0's binary_logloss: 0.290556
Log-loss on training set:
Log-loss on validation set:
Log-loss on test set:
Accuracy on training set:
Accuracy on validation set:
Accuracy on test set:
Again, the performance of LightGBM is pretty impressive and much better than that of other models.
Please cite as:
Taboga, Marco (2021). "Boosted classifier", Lectures on machine learning. https://www.statlect.com/machine-learning/boosted-classifier.
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