An exponential family is a parametric family of distributions whose probability density (or mass) functions satisfy certain properties that make them highly tractable from a mathematical viewpoint.
Table of contents
Let us start by briefly reviewing the definition of a parametric family.
Let be a set of probability distributions.
Put in correspondence with a parameter space .
If the correspondence is a function that associates one and only one distribution in to each parameter , then is called a parametric family.
Example Let be the set of all normal distributions. Each distribution is characterized by its mean (a real number) and its variance (a positive real number). Thus, the set of distributions is put into correspondence with the parameter space . A member of the parameter space is a parameter vector . Since to each parameter corresponds one and only one normal distribution, the set of all normal distributions is a parametric family.
In what follows, we are going to focus our attention on parametric families of continuous distributions.
However, everything we say applies with straightforward modifications also to families of discrete distributions.
We can now define exponential families.
Definition A parametric family of univariate continuous distributions is said to be an exponential family if and only if the probability density function of any member of the family can be written aswhere:
is a function that depends only on ;
is a vector of parameters;
is a vector-valued function of the vector of parameters ;
is a vector-valued function of ;
is the dot product between and ;
is a function of .
The key property that characterizes an exponential family is the fact that and interact only via a dot product (after appropriate transformations and ).
Since the integral of a probability density function must be equal to 1, we have:
In other words, the function is completely determined by the choice of , and .
The function is called log-partition function or log-normalizer.
Its exponential is a constant of proportionality, as we can writewhere is the proportionality symbol.
The vector is called sufficient statistic because it satisfies a criterion for sufficiency, namely, the densityis a product of:
a factor that does not depend on the parameter;
a factor that depends only on the parameter and on the sufficient statistic.
The vector is called natural parameter.
When , the pdf of becomeswhere the log-partition function satisfies
The function is called base measure.
It is so-called becausein the base case in which .
All the members of the family are perturbations of the base measure, obtained by varying .
The integral in equation (1) is not guaranteed to be finite.
As a consequence, an exponential family is well-defined only if and are chosen in such a way that the integral in equation (1) is finite for at least some values of .
Since is strictly positive for finite , and , the density is equal to zero only when is.
Therefore, the base measure determines the support of , which does not depend on .
To summarize what we have explained above, let us list the main steps needed to build an exponential family:
we choose a base measure ;
we choose a vector of sufficient statistics of dimension ;
we write the natural parameter as a function of a parameter ;
we try to find the log-partition function by computing the integral
if the log-partition function is finite for some values of , then we have built a family of distributions, called an exponential family, whose densities are of the form
This list of steps should clarify the fact that there are infinitely many exponential families: for each choice of the base measure and the vector of sufficient statistics, we obtain a different family.
The joint moment generating function of the sufficient statistic is
This is proved as followswhere in step we have used the fact that the integral is equal to because it is the integral of a pdf (by the very definition of the log-partition function ).
Denote the -th entry of the sufficient statistic by .
Then, its expected value is
The joint cumulant generating function (cgf) of isBy the properties of the cgf, its first partial derivative with respect to , evaluated at , is equal to . Therefore,
The covariance between the -th and -th entries of the vector of sufficient statistics is
Again, the joint cumulant generating function of the sufficient statistic isBy the properties of the cgf, its second cross-partial derivative with respect to and , evaluated at , is equal to . Therefore,
Several commonly used families of distributions are exponential. Here are some examples.
The family of normal distributions with densityis exponential:
We can write the density as follows:
The family of binomial distributions with probability mass functionis exponential for fixed :
We can write the probability mass function as follows:
We have already discussed the normal and binomial distributions.
Other important families of distributions previously discussed in these lectures are exponential (prove it as an exercise):
In the binomial example above we have learned an important fact: there are cases in which a family of distributions is not exponential, but we can derive an exponential family from it by keeping one of the parameters fixed.
In other words, even if a family is not exponential, one of its subsets may be.
There are infinitely many equivalent ways to represent the same exponential family.
For example,is the same aswherefor any constant .
Let be independently and identically distributed draws from a member of an exponential family having density
Then, the maximum likelihood estimator of the natural parameter is the value of that solves the equation
The likelihood of the sample isThe log-likelihood isThe gradient of the log-likelihood with respect to the natural parameter vector isTherefore, the first order condition for a maximum is
There are two interesting things to note in the formula for the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of the parameter of an exponential family.
First, the MLE depends only on the sample average of the sufficient statistic, that is, on
Regardless of the sample size , all the information about the parameter provided by the sample is summarized by an vector.
Second, since , the MLE solveswhere the notation highlights that the expected value is computed with respect to a probability density that depends on .
In other words, the MLE is obtained by matching the sample mean of the sufficient statistic with its population mean .
The definition of an exponential family of multivariate distributions is a straightforward generalization of the definition given above for univariate distributions.
Definition A parametric family of -dimensional multivariate continuous distributions is said to be an exponential family if and only if the joint probability density function of any member of the family can be written aswhere:
is a function that depends only on ;
is a vector of parameters;
is a vector-valued function of the vector of parameters ;
is a vector-valued function of ;
is the dot product between and ;
is a function of .
This definition is virtually identical to the previous one. The only difference is that is no longer a scalar, but it is now an vector.
Also all the main results (about the moments and the mgf of the sufficient statistic, and about maximum likelihood estimation) remain unchanged.
As an exercise, you can check that in all the proofs above it does not matter whether is a scalar or a vector.
The only thing that changes is that we need to compute a multiple integral, instead of a simple integral, in order to work out the log-partition function.
Examples of multivariate exponential families are those of:
multinomial distributions (if the number-of-trials parameter is kept fixed).
Please cite as:
Taboga, Marco (2021). "Exponential family of distributions", Lectures on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Kindle Direct Publishing. Online appendix.
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